To solve a CVRP with or-tools, we’ll use our homemade CVRP classes (CVRPData, CVRPSolution and CVRPEpixData). The main difficulty that remains is how to model the demands in or-tools. Simple: with Dimensions. We will also detail how to provide an initial solution, how to tweak the search strategy and finally how to deal with an heterogenous fleet of vehicles.
You’ll find the code in the file
The accumulation of demands along the routes makes the Dimension variables perfect candidates to model demands. We suggest you to read the sub-section Time windows as a Dimension to refresh your memory if needed. The situation is a little easier here as the demands only depend on the client and not the arcs that the vehicles traverse to reach these clients.
As usual, the solving process is encapsulated in a void CVRPBasicSolver(const CVRPData & data) function inside the operations_research namespace called from the main function:
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
operations_research::TSPLIBReader tsplib_reader(instance_file);
operations_research::CVRPData cvrp_data(tsplib_reader);
The creation of the routing model is quite known by now:
void CVRPBasicSolver (const CVRPData & data) {
const int size = data.Size();
const int64 capacity = data.Capacity();
CHECK_GT(FLAGS_number_vehicles, 1)
<< "We need at least two vehicles!";
// Little check to see if we have enough vehicles
CHECK_GT(capacity, data.TotalDemand()/FLAGS_number_vehicles)
<< "No enough vehicles to cover all the demands";
This quick check is handy: no need to find a feasible solution when none exists. The distances and the depot are passed to the solver in the usual way:
void CVRPBasicSolver (const CVRPData & data) {
RoutingModel routing(size, FLAGS_number_vehicles);
routing.SetCost(NewPermanentCallback(&data, &CVRPData::Distance));
if (FLAGS_time_limit_in_ms > 0) {
// Setting depot
CHECK_GT(FLAGS_depot, 0) << " Because we use the"
<< " TSPLIB convention, the depot id must be > 0";
RoutingModel::NodeIndex depot(FLAGS_depot -1);
To add the client demands and the capacity constraints, we can use the AddVectorDimension() method. To use this method, we need a demands array with the int64 demands such that demands[i] corresponds to the demand of client i.
void CVRPBasicSolver (const CVRPData & data) {
std::vector<int64> demands(size);
for (RoutingModel::NodeIndex i(RoutingModel::kFirstNode);
i < size; ++i) {
demands[i.value()] = data.Demand(i);
The API requires a C-array:
void AddVectorDimension(const int64* values,
int64 capacity,
bool fix_start_cumul_to_zero,
const string& name);
Because the C++ language guarantees that the values in an std::vector are contiguous, we can pass the address of its first element:
void CVRPBasicSolver (const CVRPData & data) {
routing.AddVectorDimension(&demands[0], capacity, true, "Demand");
The bool argument indicates if the demand of the depot is set to demands[0] (when false) or to 0 (when true) . As this demand is 0 for CVRP, this argument doesn’t really matter and is, hence, set to true.
Now, come the solving process and the inspection if any solution is found:
void CVRPBasicSolver (const CVRPData & data) {
const Assignment* solution = routing.Solve();
if (solution != NULL) {
CVRPSolution cvrp_sol(data, &routing, solution);
cvrp_sol.SetName(StrCat("Solution for instance ", data.Name(),
" computed by"));
// test solution
if (!cvrp_sol.IsFeasibleSolution()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Solution is NOT feasible!";
} else {
LG << "Solution is feasible and has an obj value of "
<< cvrp_sol.ComputeObjectiveValue();
if (FLAGS_solution_file != "") {
} else {
} else {
LG << "No solution found.";
Let’s test the program:
./cvrp_basic -instance_file=A-n32-k5.vrp -number_vehicles=5
The output is:
Using first solution strategy: DefaultStrategy
Using metaheuristic: GreedyDescent
Solution is feasible and has an obj value of 849
Route #1: 22 9 11 4 6 7 16
Route #2: 20 5 25 10 15 29 27
Route #3: 13 2 3 23 28 8 18 14 24
Route #4: 26 17 19 31 21 1 12
Route #5: 30
cost 849
It is quite far from the optimal solution opt-A-n32-k5 with an objective value of 784. Using GreedyDescent is not very clever but first, before we change the search strategy, let’s give a hand to the solver and allow for the introduction of a known initial solution to start the local search.
You’ll find the code in the file
First, let’s define a gflags to hold the name of the file containing a good starting solution:
DEFINE_string(initial_solution_file, "",
"Input file with a valid feasible solution.");
To read this solution, we use our CVRPSolution class. To transform a solution to an Assignment, the RoutingModel class proposes several methods. We’ll use its RoutesToAssignment() method:
bool RoutesToAssignment(const std::vector<
std::vector<NodeIndex> >& routes,
bool ignore_inactive_nodes,
bool close_routes,
Assignment* const assignment) const;
The routes are lists of nodes traversed by the vehicles. The indices of the outer std::vector in routes correspond to the vehicles identifiers, the inner std::vector contains the nodes on the routes for the given vehicles. The inner std::vectors must not contain the start and end nodes, as these are determined by the RoutingModel class itself. This is exactly what the Routes() method of the CVRPSolution returns.
With ignore_inactive_nodes set to false, this method will fail in case some of the nodes in the routes are deactivated; when set to true, these nodes will be skipped.
If close_routes is set to true, the routes are closed; otherwise they are kept open.
The RoutesToAssignment method sets the NextVar() variables of the Assigment to the corresponding values contained in the std::vector<...> routes. You don’t need to add manually these variables in the Assignment: if they are missing, the method adds them automatically. The method returns true if the routes are successfully loaded. However, such assignment might still not be a valid solution to the routing problem. This is due to more complex constraints that are not tested. To verify that the solution is indeed feasible for your model, call the CP solver CheckSolution() method.
One last thing, you cannot call the RoutesToAssignment() if the routing model is not closed beforehand.
Time for some code:
void CVRPBasicSolver (const CVRPData & data) {
// Use initial solution if provided
Assignment * initial_sol = NULL;
if (FLAGS_initial_solution_file != "") {
initial_sol = routing.solver()->MakeAssignment();
CVRPSolution cvrp_init_sol(data, FLAGS_initial_solution_file);
if (routing.solver()->CheckAssignment(initial_sol)) {
CVRPSolution temp_sol(data, &routing, initial_sol);
LG << "Initial solution provided is feasible with obj = "
<< temp_sol.ComputeObjectiveValue();
} else {
LG << "Initial solution provided is NOT feasible... exit!";
const Assignment* solution = routing.Solve(initial_sol);
A few comments are in order here. If an initial file is provided, we create the initial_sol Assignment with the solver’s MakeAssignment() method. Remember that this creates an hollow shell to contain some variables that you have to add yourself. We don’t need to do this here as the RoutesToAssignment() method will do it for you but only for the NextVar() variables. We check the feasibility of the initial solution by calling the CheckAssignment() method of the CP solver. The CheckAssignment() method creates a new Search and propagates the initial constraints of the model with the given solution. It returns true if the solver didn’t fail which means that the given solution is feasible.
We previously have seen that to compute the objective value of a solution, you somehow need to give this solution to the solver and let it solve the model. One way is to use a SolutionCollector, another is to use DecisionBuilders: a StoreAssignment and a RestoreAssignment with an Assignment to which you have attached the objective variable. However, this is not needed here since the CVRPSolution class computes an objective value from an Assignment with assigned NextVar() variables. This is precisely the role of the temp_sol object.
Finally, the Solve() method takes into account this initial solution. Only the main NextVar() variables are needed. This initial solution is reconstructed and tested by the CP Routing solver. If initial_sol is NULL then the solving process is started from scratch and the CP Routing solver tries to find an initial solution for the local search procedure.
We will see more in details the different methods provided by the RoutingModel class to switch from routes to Assignment and vice-versa in the section Assignments and partial Assignments.
Until now, we considered an homogeneous fleet of vehicles: all vehicles are exactly the same. What happens if you have (very) different types of vehicles? The RL allows you to customize each class of vehicles.
A different cost might be assigned to each type of vehicles. This can be done by the SetVehicleFixedCost() method:
void SetVehicleFixedCost(int vehicle, int64 cost);
The cost of using a certain type of vehicles can be higher or lower than others. If a vehicle is used, i.e. this vehicle serves at least one node, this cost is added to the objective function.
Different types of vehicles have different capacities? No problem. This is allowed in the RL:
void AddDimensionWithVehicleCapacity(NodeEvaluator2* evaluator,
int64 slack_max,
VehicleEvaluator* vehicle_capacity,
bool fix_start_cumul_to_zero,
const string& name);
AddDimensionWithVehicleCapacity() works exactly like AddDimension() except a VehicleEvaluator callback is used to return the capacities for each vehicle. A VehicleEvaluator is simply a ResultCallback1<int64, int64> and you need to implement its int64 Run(int64 vehicle) method to return the capacity of vehicle number vehicle.
You can even set different costs to traverse the arcs of the graph:
void SetVehicleCost(int vehicle, NodeEvaluator2* evaluator);