9.2. The Routing Library (RL) in a nutshell

The vehicle routing library lets one model and solve generic routing problems ranging from the Travelling Salesman Problem to more complex problems such as the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows. In this section, we present its main characteristics.

9.2.1. Objectives

The objectives of the RL are to

  • model and solve generic routing problems out of the box;
  • provide modelling and solving blocks that can easily be reused;
  • make simple models simple to model;
  • allow extensibility.

In short, we provide specialized primitives that you can assemble and customize to your needs.

9.2.2. Out of the box models

To be precise, the RL only uses one model to solve different Routing Problems. It’s a one fits all. This approach has its advantages and disadvantages. On one side, the model already exists, has been tested and fine-tuned by our team and you can reuse it to solve several Routing Problems (meaning the learning curve is low). On the other side, if you need to solve a very difficult Routing Problem, you probably would like to build one specialized model yourself. Our RL can then serve as an inspiration.

The RL lets you model a wide range of vehicle routing problems from the Travelling Salesman Problem (and its variants, ATSP, TSPTW, ...) to multi-vehicles problems with dimension constraints (capacities, time windows, ...) and various routing constraints (optional nodes, alternate nodes, ...).

Have a look at the subsections Dimensions and Disjunctions below to have an idea of the additional constraints you can use in this model.

9.2.3. On top of the CP library

The RL is a layer above the CP Solver. Most of the internal cabling is hidden but can be accessed anytime. Everything is contained is one single class: the RoutingModel class. This class internaly uses an object of type Solver that can be accessed and queried:

RoutingModel routing(...);
Solver* const solver = routing.solver();

You can thus use the full power of the CP Solver and extend your models using the numerous available constraints.

The RoutingModel class by itself only uses IntVars to model Routing Problems.

9.2.6. Dimensions

Often, real problems need to take into account some accumulated quantities along (the edges and/or the nodes of) the routes. To model such quantities, the RL proposes the concept of dimensions. A dimension is basically a set of variables that describe some quantities (given by callbacks) accumulated along the routes. These variables are associated with each node of the graph. You can add as many dimensions as you wish in an automated and easy fashion: just call the appropriate AddDimension() method(s) and the RL creates and manages these variables automatically.

You can add upper bounds (we develop this concept later) on a dimension and a capacity limits per route/vehicle on accumulated quantities for a given dimension.

Examples of dimensions are weight or volume carried, distance and time.

9.2.7. Disjunctions

Nodes don’t have to be visited, i.e. some nodes can be optional. For this, the RL uses the struct Disjunction which is basically a set of nodes. In our model, we visit at most one node in each Disjunction. If these sets are singletons, then you have optional nodes. You can also force to visit at least one node in each or some of the Disjunctions.

Again, we have automated and simplified (and optimized!) the process to create these sets: just call the appropriate AddDisjunction() method(s).

9.2.8. Routes/Vehicles are not mandatory

The same way that nodes don’t have to be visited, vehicles/routes don’t have to be used, i.e. some vehicles/routes can be optional. You might want to minimize the number of vehicles needed as part of your problem.

9.2.9. Heterogeneous fleet of vehicles

The RL offers the possibility to deal with different vehicles with each its own cost(s)/particularities.

9.2.10. Costs

Basically, costs are associated (with callbacks) to each edge/arc (i,j) and the objective function sums these costs along the different routes in a solution. Our goal is to minimize this sum. The RL let you easily add some penalties to for instance non-visited nodes, add some cost to use a particular vehicle, etc. Actually, you are completely free to add whatever terms to this sum.

9.2.11. Limitations

There are several limitations[1] as in any code. These limitations are mainly due to coding choices and can often be worked around. We list the most important ones.

[1]Or can you call them features of the RL? Only one model

We wrote several times that there is no universal solver[2] for all the problems. This is of course also true for the RL. We use a node-based model to solve quite a lot of different problems but not all Routing Problems can be solved with the RL. In particular, common Arc Routing Problems are probably best solved with a different model[3].

[2]At least, to the best of our knowledge. See the subsection Can CP be compared to the holy grail of Operations Research? for more.
[3]See the chapter on Arc Routing for a discussion about which Arc Routing Problems can be solved by the RL. Number of nodes

The RoutingModel class has a limit on the maximum number of nodes it can handle[4]. Indeed, its constructors take an regular int as the number of nodes it can model:

RoutingModel(int nodes, ...);

By the ANSI/ISO standard, we are guaranteed to be able to declare at least a maximum of 32767 nodes. Since the problems we try to solve are intractable, 32767 nodes are most of the time enough[5].

Constraint Programming techniques - at the time of writing - are not competitive with state of the art techniques (mostly Branch, Price and Cut with specialized heuristics to solve Linear Mixed Integer Programs) that can solve TSP with thousands of nodes to optimality. The strength of Constraint Programming lies in its ability to handle side constraints well such as time windows for instance.

[4]And thus the number of vehicles too!
[5]If your platform restricts you too much, you can always adapt the code! You cannot visit a node twice

The way the model is coded (see the section The model behind the scenes: the main decision variables) doesn’t allow you to visit a node more than once. You can have several vehicles at one depot though. A depot is a depot

This means you can only start from a depot and/or arrive to a depot, not transit through a depot. The RL returns approximate solutions

Most Routing Problems are intractable and we are mainly interested in good approximations. This is not really a limitation. You just need to know that by default you won’t have any guarantee on the quality of the returned solution(s). You can force the RL to return proven optimal solutions but the RL wasn’t coded with exact solutions and procedures in mind.