Generated on: Thu Mar 29 07:46:58 PDT 2012 for custom file set
// doxy/ or-tools/ src/ base/

Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
__gnu_cxx::hash< int64 >
__gnu_cxx::hash< IntType< IntTypeName, ValueType > >
__gnu_cxx::hash< std::pair< First, Second > >
__gnu_cxx::hash< std::string >
__gnu_cxx::hash< T * >
Callback1< A1 >
Callback2< A1, A2 >
Callback3< A1, A2, A3 >
Callback4< A1, A2, A3, A4 >
Callback5< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 >
ClosureBase types
IntType< IntTypeName, _ValueType >Holds a integral value (of type ValueType) and behaves as a ValueType by exposing assignment, unary, comparison, and arithmetic operators
ITIVector< IntType, T, Alloc >Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License
JNIUtilLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License
LogMessageNamespace operations_research
operations_research::ACMRandomACM minimal standard random number generator. (re-entrant.)
operations_research::AdjustablePriorityQueue< T >
operations_research::ConstIter< Container >
operations_research::ConstReverseIter< Container >
operations_research::CycleTimerThis class of timer is very precise and potentially more expensive than the WallTimer class
operations_research::Eraser< Container >This class performs an iterator-friendly erasure: the element pointed at gets removed from the container and the iterator remains valid and points to the next element
operations_research::Eraser< std::deque< T > >This version of the Eraser works for deques
operations_research::Eraser< std::vector< T > >This version of the Eraser works for vectors
operations_research::FileLineReaderWill read a text file specified by 'filename' line by line
operations_research::MutableIter< Container >Note: this class is not compatible with sets (operator* returns a non-const reference)
operations_research::MutableReverseIter< Container >
operations_research::RecordReaderThis class reads a protocol buffer from a file
operations_research::RecordWriterThis class appends a protocol buffer to a file in a binary format
operations_research::scoped_array< C >Scoped_array<C> is like scoped_ptr<C>, except that the caller must allocate with new [] and the destructor deletes objects with delete []
operations_research::scoped_ptr< C >A scoped_ptr<T> is like a T*, except that the destructor of scoped_ptr<T> automatically deletes the pointer it holds (if any)
operations_research::scoped_ptr_malloc< C, FreeProc >Scoped_ptr_malloc<> is similar to scoped_ptr<>, but it accepts a second template argument, the functor used to free the object
operations_research::ScopedPtrMallocFreeThis class wraps the c library function free() in a class that can be passed as a template argument to scoped_ptr_malloc below
operations_research::sparsetable< T >This class implement a simple block based sparse vector
ResultCallback< R >
ResultCallback1< R, A1 >
ResultCallback2< R, A1, A2 >
ResultCallback3< R, A1, A2, A3 >
ResultCallback4< R, A1, A2, A3, A4 >
ResultCallback5< R, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 >