Generated on: Thu Mar 29 07:46:58 PDT 2012 for custom file set
// doxy/ or-tools/ src/ algorithms/

Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
operations_research::BaseKnapsackSolverBaseKnapsackSolver This the base class for knapsack solvers
operations_research::Knapsack64ItemsSolverKnapsack64ItemsSolver Knapsack64ItemsSolver solves the 0-1 knapsack problem when the number of items is less or equal to 64
operations_research::KnapsackAssignmentThe following code defines needed classes for the KnapsackGenericSolver class which is the entry point to extend knapsack with new constraints such as conflicts between items
operations_research::KnapsackBruteForceSolverKnapsackBruteForceSolver KnapsackBruteForceSolver solves the 0-1 knapsack problem when the number of items is less or equal to 30 with brute force, ie
operations_research::KnapsackCapacityPropagatorKnapsackCapacityPropagator KnapsackCapacityPropagator is a KnapsackPropagator used to enforce a capacity constraint
operations_research::KnapsackDynamicProgrammingSolverKnapsackDynamicProgrammingSolver KnapsackDynamicProgrammingSolver solves the 0-1 knapsack problem using dynamic programming
operations_research::KnapsackGenericSolverKnapsackGenericSolver KnapsackGenericSolver is the multi-dimensional knapsack solver class
operations_research::KnapsackItemKnapsackItem KnapsackItem is a small struct to pair an item weight with its corresponding profit
operations_research::KnapsackItemWithEfficiencyKnapsackItemWithEfficiency KnapsackItem is a small struct to pair an item weight with its corresponding profit
operations_research::KnapsackPropagatorKnapsackPropagator KnapsackPropagator is the base to model and propagate a constraint given an assignment
operations_research::KnapsackSearchNodeKnapsackSearchNode KnapsackSearchNode is a class used to describe a decision in the decision search tree
operations_research::KnapsackSearchPathKnapsackSearchPath KnapsackSearchPath is a small class used to represent the path between a node to another node in the search tree
operations_research::KnapsackStateKnapsackState KnapsackState represents a partial solution to the knapsack problem