5.2. Implementation of a basic model

  1. C++ code:
    1. nqueens1.cc

We have introduced the ideas of a basic model in the previous section. We complete this model and implement it in this section.

5.2.1. The model completed

The model is defined in the NQueens() function. The beginning of the function shouldn’t surprise you:

void NQueens(int size) {
  CHECK_GE(size, 1);
  Solver s("nqueens");

  // model
  std::vector<IntVar*> queens;
  for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
    queens.push_back(s.MakeIntVar(0, size - 1,
                                     StringPrintf("queen%04d", i)));

This \texttt{AllDifferent}(x_0, \ldots, x_{n-1}) basically ensures no two queens remain on the same row but we could have a solution like the one depicted on the next Figure A solution with no queen on the same row..

A solution with no queen on the same row

A solution with no queen on the same row.

Of course, this is not what we want. To forbid two queens to be on the same diagonal with slope +1 (diagonals that slope up-and-right), we could impose non-equality relations between our variables. For instance, to impose that the first queen represented by x_0 doesn’t attack any other queen on those diagonals, we can impose that

(1)x_0 - 1 \neq x_1,\ x_0 - 2 \neq x_2,\ x_0 - 3 \neq x_3,~\ldots

(1) is equivalent to

(2)x_0 \neq x_1 + 1,\ x_0 \neq x_2 + 2,\ x_0 \neq x_3 + 3,~\ldots

Take the second queen x_1. We only have to look for the queens to her right. To impose that x_1 doesn’t attack any queen x_2, x_3,~\ldots on a diagonal with slope +1, we can add

(3)x_1 - 1 \neq x_2,\ x_1 - 2 \neq x_3,\ x_1 - 3 \neq x_4,~\ldots

or equivalently

(4)x_1 \neq x_2 + 1,\ x_1 \neq x_3 + 2,\ x_1 \neq x_4 + 3,~\ldots

In general, for queen x_i, we impose that x_i \neq x_j + j - i. Now, here comes the trick. If you add 1 to all members of (4), you get

(5)x_1 + 1 \neq x_2 + 2,\ x_1 + 1 \neq x_3 + 3,\ x_1 + 1 \neq x_4 + 4,~\ldots

and more generally x_i \neq x_j + j - i becomes simply x_i + i \neq x_j + j \qquad \forall \, j : j > i[1].

This means that we can restrict ourselves to inequalities only involving x_i + i terms. Each of these terms must be different from all others. Doesn’t this ring a bell? Yep, this is the AllDifferent constraint:

(6)\texttt{AllDifferent}(x_0, x_1 + 1, x_2 + 2, x_3 + 3, x_4 + 4,\ldots)

With a similar reasoning,

(7)\texttt{AllDifferent}(x_0, x_1 - 1, x_2 - 2, x_3 - 3, x_4 - 4,\ldots)

ensures that no two queens are on the same diagonal with slope -1 (diagonals that slope down-and-right).

We can thus add:

std::vector<IntVar*> vars(size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
  vars[i] = s.MakeSum(queens[i], i)->Var();
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
  vars[i] = s.MakeSum(queens[i], -i)->Var();

To collect the first solution and count all the solutions, we use SolutionCollectors as usual:

SolutionCollector* const solution_counter =
SolutionCollector* const collector = s.MakeFirstSolutionCollector();
std::vector<SearchMonitor*> monitors;

We keep our basic search strategy:

DecisionBuilder* const db = s.MakePhase(queens,

s.Solve(db, monitors);  // go!

In the next sections, we will test different DecisionBuilders. To help us print and test solutions for the n-Queens Problem, we will use two helper functions defined next.

5.2.2. The helper functions

The header nqueens_utilities.h contains some helper functions: among other CheckNumberOfSolutions() to check the known number of solutions (unique or distinct) of the n-Queens Problem and several functions to print the solutions recorded by a SolutionCollector.

To be able to collect only unique solutions (up to a symmetry), we will use SymmetryBreakers in the section Breaking symmetries with SymmetryBreakers.

To test our model (and the solver!), we use the function CheckNumberOfSolutions() to check the number of known solutions, unique up to a symmetry when we use SymmetryBreakers and otherwise distinct:

void CheckNumberOfSolutions(int size, int num_solutions) {
  if (FLAGS_use_symmetry) {
    if (size - 1 < kKnownUniqueSolutions) {
      CHECK_EQ(num_solutions, kNumUniqueSolutions[size - 1]);
    } else if (!FLAGS_cp_no_solve) {
      CHECK_GT(num_solutions, 0);
  } else {
    if (size - 1 < kKnownSolutions) {
      CHECK_EQ(num_solutions, kNumSolutions[size - 1]);
    } else if (!FLAGS_cp_no_solve) {
      CHECK_GT(num_solutions, 0);


kNumUniqueSolutions[] and kNumSolutions[] are static arrays with the proven number of solutions. We restrict ourselves to testing the number of all distinct solutions up to kKnownSolutions = 18 and unique solutions up to kKnownUniqueSolutions = 19. By unique solution we mean a unique solution up to a symmetry (see the section Breaking symmetries with SymmetryBreakers for more).

The print helper functions are all based on PrintSolution():

void PrintSolution(const int size,
                   const std::vector<IntVar*>& queens,
                   SolutionCollector* const collector,
                   const int solution_number) {
  if (collector->solution_count() > solution_number && size < 100) {
    //  go through lines
    for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j) {
      //  go through queens
      for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
        const int pos =
        static_cast<int>(collector->Value(solution_number, queens[i]));
        std::cout << std::setw(2);
        if (pos == j) {
          std::cout << i;
        } else {
          std::cout << ".";
        std::cout << " ";
      std::cout << std::endl;


You might wonder why we cast the return value of collector->Value() into an int? The value() method returns an int64.

5.2.3. The whole program bundled

To compile our NQueens() function, we need some headers.

After the needed headers from the or-tools library:

#include "base/commandlineflags.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/stringprintf.h"
#include "constraint_solver/constraint_solver.h"

we add our header:

#include "nqueens_utilities.h"

A boolean gflag FLAGS_use_symmetry allows or disallows the use of SymmetryBreakers. This flag is defined in the header nqueens_utilities.h. To be able to use it in our main file, we need to declare it:


For the moment we don’t implement any symmetry related mechanism and abort in the main function if FLAGS_use_symmetry is set to true:

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
  if (FLAGS_use_symmetry) {
    LOG(FATAL) << "Symmetry breaking methods not yet implemented!";
  if (FLAGS_size != 0) {
  } else {
    for (int n = 1; n < 12; ++n) {
  return 0;

We offer the possibility to print the first solution (flag print set to true) or all solutions (flag print_all set to true). By default, the program doesn’t output any solution.

5.2.4. First results

  1. C++ code:
    1. nqueens2.cc

Because finding all solutions is hard, we expect the solver to face more and more difficulties as the size n grows but what about the easy problem of finding only one solution?

In the file nqueens2.cc, we stop the search as soon as a solution has been found.

The following Table collects the results of our experiment with the same DecisionBuilder and same model as above. The results are given in seconds.

Problem 10 11 12 13 14
First solution 0 0 0 0 0,003
All Solutions 0,055 0,259 1,309 7,059 40,762

To find all solutions, the solver shows a typical exponential behaviour for intractable problems. The sizes are too small to conclude anything about the problem of finding one solution. In the next Table, we try bigger sizes. The results are again in seconds.

Problem 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
First solution 0,048 0,392 0,521 3,239 1,601 63,08 14,277

It looks like our solver has some troubles to find one solution. This is perfectly normal because we didn’t use a specific search strategy. In the rest of this chapter, we will try other search strategies and compare them. We will also customize our strategies, i.e. define strategies of our own but before we do so, we need to learn a little bit about the basic working of the solver.

Wikipedia[2] has a very nice animation of our search strategy (CHOOSE_FIRST_UNBOUND and ASSIGN_MIN_VALUE) to find the first feasible solution:

Compare the output of:

./nqueens1 -size=8 -print
with the solution of the animation:
../../_images/output_nqueens1_8.png ../../_images/Eight-queens-animation.gif


[1]\forall \, j : j > i simply means that we consider all j greater than i.