2.7. Other supported languages

Everything is coded in C++ and available through SWIG in Python, Java, and .NET (using mono on non windows platforms).

What language you use is a matter of taste. If you main concern is efficiency and your problem is really difficult, we advise you to use C++ for meanly two reasons:

  • C++ is faster than Python, Java or C# and even more importantly
  • you can tweak the library to your needs without worrying about SWIG.

That said, you might not notice differences in time executions between the different languages.

We have tried to add syntactic sugar when possible, particularly in Python and C#. If you aim for the ease of use to, for instance, prototype, Python or C# are our preferred languages.

Most methods are available in all four flavors with the following naming convention:

Naming convention for methods in or-tools

A C++ method named MYMethod() becomes:

  • MyMethod() in Python (pascal case);
  • myMethod() in Java (camel case);
  • MyMethod() in C# (pascal case).

Methods with “_” (underscore) like objective_value() become ObjectiveValue() or objectiveValue().

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