2.5. SolutionCollectors and Assignments to collect solutions

In this section, we code the model developed in The problem and a first model.

  1. C++ code:
    1. cp_is_fun2.cc

The or-tools library let you collect and store the solutions of your searches with the help of SolutionCollectors and Assignments. We use them to store the solutions of our cryptarithmetic puzzle.

2.5.1. SolutionCollectors

The SolutionCollector class is one of several specialized SearchMonitors classes. i.e. SolutionCollector inherits from SearchMonitors. SearchMonitors provides a set of callbacks to monitor all search events. We will learn more about them in the next chapter.

To collect solutions, several SolutionCollector are available:

  • FirstSolutionCollector: to collect the first solution of the search;
  • LastSolutionCollector: to collect the last solution of the search;
  • BestValueSolutionCollector: to collect the best solution of the search;
  • AllSolutionCollector: to collect all solutions of the search.

The solver provides corresponding factory methods:

  • MakeFirstSolutionCollector();
  • MakeLastSolutionCollector();
  • MakeBestValueSolutionCollector();
  • MakeAllSolutionCollector().

The simplest way to use a SolutionCollector is to use it as is without any parameter. This can be handy if you are only interested in global results such as the number of solutions:

SolutionCollector* const all_solutions =
DecisionBuilder* const db = ...
solver.NewSearch(db, all_solutions);
while (solver.NextSolution()) {};

LOG(INFO) << "Number of solutions: " << all_solutions->solution_count();

Instead of using NewSearch(), NextSolution() repeatedly and EndSearch(), you can use the Solve() method:

solver.Solve(db, all_solutions);

In case you are curious about the number of solutions, there are 72 of them in base 10.

To effectively store some solutions in a SolutionCollector, you have to add the variables you are interested in. Let’s say you would like to know what the value of variable c is in the first solution found. First, you create a SolutionCollector:

FirstSolutionCollector* const first_solution =

Then you add the variable you are interested in to the SolutionCollector:



The method Add() simply adds the variable c to the SolutionCollector. The variable c is not tied to the solver, i.e. you will not be able to retrieve its value by c->Value() after a search with the method Solve().

To launch the search:


After the search, you can retrieve the value of c like this:


or through the shortcut:


In both cases, the index 0 denotes the first solution found. If you find it odd to specify the index of the first solution with a FirstSolutionCollector, don’t forget that the API is intended for generic SolutionCollectors including the AllSolutionCollector.

Let’s use the AllSolutionCollector to store and retrieve the values of the 72 solutions:

SolutionCollector* const all_solutions =
//  Add the variables to the SolutionCollector
DecisionBuilder* const db = ...
solver.Solve(db, all_solutions);

//  Retrieve the solutions
const int number_solutions = all_solutions->solution_count();
LOG(INFO) << "Number of solutions: " << number_solutions << std::endl;

for (int index = 0; index < number_solutions; ++index) {
  LOG(INFO) << "Solution found:";
  LOG(INFO) << "C=" << all_solutions->Value(index,c) << " "
            << "P=" << all_solutions->Value(index,p) << " "
            << "E=" << all_solutions->Value(index,e);

You are not limited to the variables of the model. For instance, let’s say you are interested to know the value of the expression kBase * c + p. Just construct a corresponding variable and add it to the SolutionCollector:

SolutionCollector* const all_solutions =
//  Add the interesting variables to the SolutionCollector
//  Create the variable kBase * c + p
IntVar* v1 = solver.MakeSum(solver.MakeProd(c,kBase), p)->Var();
//  Add it to the SolutionCollector
DecisionBuilder* const db = ...
solver.Solve(db, all_solutions);

//  Retrieve the solutions
const int number_solutions = all_solutions->solution_count();
LOG(INFO) << "Number of solutions: " << number_solutions << std::endl;

for (int index = 0; index < number_solutions; ++index) {
  LOG(INFO) << "Solution found:";
  LOG(INFO) << "v1=" << all_solutions->Value(index,v1);

2.5.2. Assignments

The or-tools library provides the class Assignment to store the solution (in parts or as a whole). The class Assignment has a rich API that allows you to retrieve not only the values of the variables in a solution but also additional information. You can also act on some of the variables for instance to disable them during a search.

SolutionCollector* const all_solutions =
//  Add the interesting variables to the SolutionCollector
IntVar* v1 = solver.MakeSum(solver.MakeProd(c,kBase), p)->Var();
//  Add it to the SolutionCollector
DecisionBuilder* const db = ...
solver.Solve(db, all_solutions);

//  Retrieve the solutions
const int number_solutions = all_solutions->solution_count();
LOG(INFO) << "Number of solutions: " << number_solutions << std::endl;

for (int index = 0; index < number_solutions; ++index) {
  Assignment* const solution = all_solutions->solution(index);
  LOG(INFO) << "Solution found:";
  LOG(INFO) << "v1=" << solution->Value(v1);

In Serializing, we’ll use it to serialize a solution.

What is the difference between NewSearch() and Solve()?

Depending on the search, Solve() is equivalent to either



while (solver.NextSolution()) {...};

With NewSearch() you can access the variables of the current solutions (no need for a SolutionCollector). More importantly, you can interfere with the search.

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2. First steps with or-tools: cryptarithmetic puzzles

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